
Latest: cpadconsole-0.2.tar.bz2
With this program you can send commands to the Seiko/Epson 1335 LCD Controller and see what happens. This tool should help developing programs for the cpad character device.


The following example will bring the sed1335 to combined text/graph mode, display the image test.gif and the text "Hello World!". The image will flash at 16 Hz, so it seems to be gray.
Run cpadconsole and type in the following:
sysset char_height=8
display screen2=flash2 cursor=flash2
cursorform shape=underscore
overlay screen1=text
scroll screen1=4800
display on
cursor 0
writeimage test.gif
cursor 4800
writetext "Hello World!"


version 0.2:
  • added command to read eeprom
  • now using libreadline and libhistory
    version 0.1:
  • first release
