Class Dihedron

dihedron structure class for rFold

a dihedron consists of two faces, or hedra
external dependencies : deque (

Functions (o) Dihedron class object initialiser (not a class method).


Dihedron.res Residue object which includes this dihedron; set by Residue:linkDihedra()
Dihedron.hedron1 first Hedron object; set by self:setHedra()
Dihedron.hedron2 second Hedron object; set by self:setHedra()
Dihedron.initialCoords four 4x1 matrices holding atom coordinates comprising this dihedron


Dihedron.key 4 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying this dihedron : 6FCA:6FCB:6FCG:6FCD2
Dihedron.key3 3 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying first hedron : 6FCA:6FCB:6FCG
Dihedron.key32 3 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying second hedron : 6FCB:6FCG:6FCD2
Dihedron.dihedral1 dihedral angle for this dihedron
Dihedron.updated flag indicting that atom coordinates are up to date (do not need to be recalculated from dihedral1)


Dihedron:tostring () generate descriptive string for Dihedron: 4- followed by 'key' for this Dihedron = 4 atom tokens separated by :'s
Dihedron:setHedra () determine forward or reverse hedra keys based on 4 atom tokens for this dihedron, set object variables for hkey and hedra
Dihedron:initPos () generate dihedron space coordinates for 4 atoms with specified dihedral, first 3 on XZ plane (a1 in -Z), 4th in +Z and rotated
coordinates stored in 'initialCoords' field, 'updated' set to false
Dihedron:dihedronFromAtoms (atomCoords) generate self[dihedral1] and self[initialCoords], populate hedra as needed from atomCoords
Dihedron:clearInternalCoords () delete dihedral angle value for this dihedron, keep key
Dihedron:writeDb (rfpg, res_id, update) write dihedron data to rfold database


Methods (o)
Dihedron class object initialiser (not a class method).
The input object 'o' is a table with expected fields:

[1..4] = atom tokens for 4 bonded atoms forming dihedral angle
'dihedral1' = dihedral angle formed by 4 atoms


  • o table as described above


    minimally initialised Dihedron object


Residue object which includes this dihedron; set by Residue:linkDihedra()
first Hedron object; set by self:setHedra()
second Hedron object; set by self:setHedra()
four 4x1 matrices holding atom coordinates comprising this dihedron


4 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying this dihedron : 6FCA:6FCB:6FCG:6FCD2
  • key string
3 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying first hedron : 6FCA:6FCB:6FCG
  • key3 string
3 atom tokens separated by ':' identifying second hedron : 6FCB:6FCG:6FCD2
  • key32 string
dihedral angle for this dihedron
  • dihedral1 float
flag indicting that atom coordinates are up to date (do not need to be recalculated from dihedral1)
  • updated


Dihedron:tostring ()
generate descriptive string for Dihedron: 4- followed by 'key' for this Dihedron = 4 atom tokens separated by :'s


    descriptive string
Dihedron:setHedra ()
determine forward or reverse hedra keys based on 4 atom tokens for this dihedron, set object variables for hkey and hedra


    true if hedra keys are reverse ordered from dihedron atom tokens
Dihedron:initPos ()
generate dihedron space coordinates for 4 atoms with specified dihedral, first 3 on XZ plane (a1 in -Z), 4th in +Z and rotated
coordinates stored in 'initialCoords' field, 'updated' set to false
Dihedron:dihedronFromAtoms (atomCoords)
generate self[dihedral1] and self[initialCoords], populate hedra as needed from atomCoords


  • atomCoords table of atom token, atom matrix of position in protein coordinate space
Dihedron:clearInternalCoords ()
delete dihedral angle value for this dihedron, keep key
Dihedron:writeDb (rfpg, res_id, update)
write dihedron data to rfold database


  • rfpg open database handle
  • res_id residue ID in db residue table
  • update optional flag, if false silently skip if entry exists already in dihedral / angle / bond tables
generated by LDoc 1.4.3 Last updated 2017-04-06 12:45:34