What pre-made trackers are available for rTracker?

Trackers for download

The key feature and design principle behind rTracker is that it can be configured to track the things you care about.  Below are some pre-made trackers to give you some ideas to get started, or maybe just go ahead and use as they are already.

The Sleep tracker

To sleep better, you need to understand how you sleep over time and what affects that pattern. To use this tracker, tap the first checkbox and save when you go to bed. Tap the second checkbox when you get up, evaluate your sleep experience with the other controls, and save. If you forget, you can always go back and add or edit the data with the timestamp you want.

Scrolling down from the values shown in this screenshot are functions calculating the number of hours resting, a 'sleep score', and your average resting hours per night over the last month.

You may have your own sleep features to capture. That flexibility is exactly what rTracker is designed to handle, so you can customize any of these trackers to log just what you want.

Click Sleep.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Sleep tracker
The Self tracker

How are you today? Right now? How would you capture your changes in mood and feelings throughout the day? rTracker can handle the concepts that you want to measure.

Mood tracking is sensitive to set and setting, so to get a realistic view over time we need readings when they're not expected. The Self tracker uses rTracker's reminders functionality to query mood at six random times throughout the day to solve this problem.

Once upon a time, Biorhythms were believed by many to influence our daily lives. Does your experience of life follow any patterns? More importantly, can you influence those patterns for the better? Track and find out.

Click Self.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Self tracker
The Menus & Guests tracker

Ever have friends over for dinner and worry that you might have served the same dish last time? Yes lasagne is an easy dish to make for a group of people, but don't start them thinking you don't know how to make anything else!

Use this tracker for all your events and keep your friends coming. The values shown in the graph are the number of lines in each textbox -- so it tracks your social life as well.

Click Menus & Guests.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Menus and Guests tracker
The Job tracker

Here's an example of a tracker to log time spent on a task such as a consultant might use, and like all the rTracker samples it's simple to modify for your own needs.

This tracker implements a system for monitoring time spent on something and getting it into a spreadsheet. Like the Sleep tracker, the 'start' and 'stop' checkboxes are used in calculating the 'total hours' function shown at the bottom. The expenses field is summed for all entries between the 'start' and 'stop' records, and the 'total charge' function includes an hourly rate as a constant.

If your task falls into only a few categories, the choice buttons work well for quick access. If you have lots of tasks and need to add more as time goes on, the textbox works well because you can use the history facility to quickly re-enter previous task names or add new ones as needed.

CSV data for this tracker looks like:

"timestamp","start","stop","task notes","expenses","job ID","total hours","total expenses","total charge"
"1 August 2014 09:16:00 BST","1","","","","Job 4","","",""
"1 August 2014 10:18:00 BST","","","Tool rent","7.50","Job 4","","",""
"1 August 2014 17:20:00 BST","","1","Tool rent","18.00","Job 4","8.07","25.50","383.33"

Click Time Tracker.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Job tracker

Sample trackers included with rTracker

The trackers below come pre-loaded with rTracker.  If you delete them, they can be re-installed through the iPhone 'Settings' app under rTracker. 

Alternatively, you can install them directly from this page, or download them individually and install through iTunes.

The Car tracker

The Car tracker is included as standard when you buy rTracker, but this is my own personal version reporting costs and distance over months and years. Install this version and it will merge with the default Car tracker and show your data in a new light! Please back-up your data first, for example by sending yourself the CSV data file.

Car mileage is an obvious example for personal data tracking, especially because it is a key indicator of the overall health of your vehicle. Put in the total fuel and total cost readings from the pump, and tick the 'tank full' checkbox to activate the mileage function calculation.

This rTracker example shows the use of the 'Start with last saved value' option on the odometer value; this way you will usually only need to change the last few digits of this number when entering data for a fill-up.

In the Car tracker, the total distance travelled and price per unit are calculated and logged. I use the 'total cost' field to log service expenses as well, and the 'notes' item is a full textbox -- perfect for logging longer trips, service details, or other issues that will help in understanding your car's performance over time.

With rTracker's flexibility, it is easy to add a conversion for 'miles per gallon' or similar if the fuel pumps in your country report litres.

Click Car.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Car tracker
The Drinks tracker

The Drinks tracker is a simple log for caffeinated and alcoholic drinks consumption, and computes daily caffeine, daily alcohol and weekly alcohol intake. Just tap the checkbox and save for each drink throughout the day.

If these aren't your usual drinks, pick your own and modify the tracker to match your preferences. Choice is what rTracker is all about.

Click Drinks.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Drinks tracker - alcohol and caffeine
The Exercise tracker

Most exercise trackers are designed to track what their developer thought you would be interested in; rTracker does not have this limitation. rTracker is about creating trackers for the values you are interested in - laps, heart rate, rope skips, distance - your exact fitness regimen.

In this example, heart rate is logged at four different points to enable exploring ranges and transitions as exercise progresses. Your exercise -- or exercise machine(s) -- may report still more parameters that are trackworthy and waiting to be watched over time. rTracker can handle the parameters you want.

One measure of exercise effectiveness is how quickly your pulse returns to normal. Can you improve that result?

Click Exercise.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Exercise tracker - tailored to you
The Finances tracker

This tracker maintains a simple categorization of spending, but still enough to see where your money's going.

My own personal version includes several bank account balances, but you won't see them because those items are hidden from normal view by a privacy setting.

Create the finance tracker that fits your exact needs with rTracker.

Click Finances.rtrk on your iPhone to install directly in rTracker, or save ('save as') the linked file and see How to import a tracker or its data?

Finances tracker